PHILCO Model 37-610T “Big Bullet” (1937)
This set has its original finish! This 3-band receiver has:
[Physics guys use lower case “k”, and upper case “M” and Hz (not cps).
In the early fifties, the police station communicated with their squad cars at the upper end of the BC band. That was really fun listening, if one could tear themselves away from the “Big John and Sparky Show.”
The 3-posiiton band-selector switch is located at the lower position at the center of the cluster of knobs. Tuning is accomplished with a pair of concentric knobs just below the indicator dial. The outer knob is for rapid, coarse tuning; and, after a sufficient warm up period, the inner knob becomes useful for fine tuning.
This is a physically large table top radio, with a large speaker contained in a walnut cabinet.
“Amazingly,” it only has 5 tubes. There is no RF amplifier stage tube, and the output is single ended. It is a beautiful set, but it is electrically uninteresting.
This is not an AC/DC set, because it has a power transformer. Therefore it can develop DC operating voltages much higher than 170 Volts. Unlike an AC/DC set, a full-wave power supply cannot develop a 60-Hz “hum” when its electrolytic capacitors become “leaky.” Rather, it develops a 120-Hz “hum” when those capacitors become leaky….